Mrs. Rachel Erickson

Nov 12, 20212 min

A Letter from Mrs. Erickson

As I reflect upon the last year, I am thankful for the wonderful people who are involved in our school community. 2021 has been a successful year for Whitefish Christian Academy, and as it culminates, I am reminded of the great provision of God and the love He has for our school. I consider it a true blessing to be a part of something so meaningful.

Upon entering the holiday season here at the Academy, there will be classroom discussions about giving generously and being thankful. Our ears will be met with the sounds of songs that tell of the birth of our Savior. The excitement will bring with it a sense of celebration felt throughout the entire Academy.

In many ways, that excitement at the Academy is not unique to the holiday season. When I walk the hallways of our school, I am daily inspired by the students’ curiosity, their desire to learn, the kindness they show each other, and the joy that flows through the building. Truth, beauty, and goodness are reflected in everything we do.

Each day at the Academy we are thankful for the opportunity to work toward our mission of sending out Christian thinkers and doers of the Word. We aim to provide our students with the critical thinking skills and work habits that will help them to succeed in life. We encourage them to show genuine empathy, kindness, and respect to their peers and adults, and we arm them with the tools to help them grow into compassionate and productive members of their community. What your child learns at the Whitefish Christian Academy is eternal.

Indeed, Academy students are daily made alive to this lasting truth: God’s giving hand is evident in all that we study. It’s for that very truth, too, that we at the Academy are so thankful for the opportunity to serve your family.

We're abundantly blessed at the Academy, and all that's accomplished at our school wouldn't be possible without the continued support of our parents, grandparents, and greater school community. Therefore, in this time of giving, I would like to ask you to consider an end-of-year, tax-deductible donation to Whitefish Christian Academy.

Your support, along with the support of others, will allow us to continue providing an excellent education by enhancing your child’s current learning environment. It will secure growth opportunities for the future of the Academy, and in every way, help us to fulfill our mission of directing our students along the paths of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.

As always, we are grateful for your continued generosity and support, and wish you a blessed holiday season.

Yours In Christ,

Mrs. Rachel Erickson
Head of School