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Building Bright Futures

At the Whitefish Christian Academy, teachers recognize our students as individuals with distinct gifts and needs. Classical and Christian based, our small school environment strengthens the whole student: body, mind, and spirit. As the students move into the Logic School (5-8), small class sizes and flexible scheduling allow us to create a unique academic program to fit a variety of family and student goals.

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Embracing Challenge

Students in Classical Christian Schools score on average of 325 points higher on the SAT standardized tests.*

Classical Christian schools prepare students to become integral community members. The following statistics come from studies by ACCS schools.


  • Students are 40% more likely to become influential community members.

  • Students are 20% more likely to have a positive outlook on life.

  • Students are 32% more prepared for college and career.


(Source: Association of Christian & Classical Schools 2017)

About Us: Academics


Whitefish Christian Academy, grounded in Christian excellence, is dedicated to assisting parents in the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical development of their children for the purpose of sending out Christian thinkers and doers of the Word to engage and transform our culture for Christ.

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  • Cultivate a lifelong love of learning

  • Provide individual attention to each student through a small student-teacher ratio

  • Develop students using a classical, Christian model

  • Partner with parents in education their children

  • Be good neighbors in our interactions with our community

  • Promote an environment fostering growth and maturity in Christ

  • Encourage positive extra-curricular activities

  • Give students a forum to achieve and excel by promoting regular competitions

  • Hire godly, passionate teachers to provide rigorous, high quality education

  • Develop the path to see truth, beauty, and goodness in everything

  • Create challenging academic programs

  • Provide a fun, yet disciplined physical development programs

  • Provide guidance to achieve individual potential

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Founding & Growth

In 1979, a small group of parents who were determined to provide a distinctly Christian education for their children met together. Out of those discussions emerged the seeds of a vision that would ultimately enrich the Whitefish community for decades to come – a small Christian elementary school named Cross Currents Christian School.


The parents’ vision took shape weeks after that first meeting as the school hired Lynda Nelson to be its first teacher. The first preschool and kindergarten classes were held in the basement of the First Baptist Church of Whitefish in January, 1980. By the fall of that same year, the school had expanded to include a graded program through the fourth grade. In 1983, the school had a complete elementary program through the sixth grade and employed seven full-time teachers. The school later expanded to include classes through the eighth grade.

As enrollment and the educational program grew, the school moved to Christ Lutheran Church where classes were held from 1985-1989. In 1989, two generous benefactors gifted the school with property on Ashar Avenue. Through a capital campaign and the generosity of a local contractor, the school was able to start construction on its current facility. Additional classrooms were added in 1996.


A Move to Classical Education

In 2005, the board decided the school would become a classical academy. As a result of that decision, the name of the school was changed to Whitefish Christian Academy. Once the classical Christian model was firmly rooted in the lower school, the board decided to begin a rhetoric program. 


Today, Whitefish Christian Academy enrolls students from all across the Flathead Valley. The school remains firmly committed to rigorous academics, low student-to-teacher ratio, a strong emphasis on integrating God’s word into every subject, and a family-oriented atmosphere where children and parents can thrive.


It all started with ordinary Christians who willingly gave their time, talents, and treasure to make the vision of a Christian school in Whitefish a reality. The school is a testimony to the sacrifices of people who have believed and remained faithful to the vision of its early founding families. Whitefish Christian Academy remains passionate about Christian education, and is committed to the school’s tradition of academic excellence and strong Christian values.

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