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Frequently Asked Questions

New Family Guide

Below you'll find our most commonly asked questions from our new families. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our front office and we’ll get you the information you need. In addition, if you would like to be connected with one of our new family ambassadors, please contact our front office at 406-862-5875 or

Where can I find the school calendar?

Please find our school calendar here; if you have any questions regarding the school calendar or other activities, please contact our office at 406-862-5875 or

How much is school tuition and how do I pay?

Tuition information may be found here. You may enroll in FACTS for numerous payment-plan options or contact for additional payment information or you may call Jennifer Burrough at 406-862-5875.

Where do I buy or find uniforms?

New uniforms may be purchased at or; please see our uniform policy for further information. We have many gently used uniforms for free use in our uniform closet found in our Resource Room. Spirit Gear may purchased at our front office.

How do I check my student(s) grades?

Jupiter Ed is our school-wide system for checking school grades and contacting your student's teachers. You may also receive emails from Jupiter Ed from our teachers and staff. For questions regarding your Jupiter Ed account, please contact our front office 406-862-5875 or

What is Jupiter Ed?

Jupiter Ed is our school-wide system for checking school grades and contacting your student's teachers. You may also receive emails from Jupiter Ed from our teachers and staff. For questions regarding your Jupiter Ed account, please contact our front office 406-862-5875 or

How do I buy lunch and order milk?

Students may bring lunch to school each day of the week. In addition, we deliver many lunch options to the school for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday lunches. Subway  (Monday delivery) and Chick-fil-A  (Wednesday delivery) lunch options may be ordered through the My Hot Lunchbox website. Pizza (Friday delivery) and milk orders may be ordered through the front office.

How do I volunteer and how many hours do I need?

You may sign-up to volunteer here. Volunteer Hours, of which you need 10, are due by June 1, 2023. Unfulfilled volunteer hours are an additional $100 per hour up to $1000, and are added accordingly to your tuition at the end of the year. Completed hours may be recorded here.

How do I connect with my teacher?

Our teachers welcome your communication and look forward to connecting with you. Each teacher will provide you with their contact information at the beginning of the school year, along with best practices for communication. Jupiter Ed may also be used for teacher emails. Please contact our front office with any additional questions at 406-862-5875 or, as they are always happy to help.

What is Chapel?

Our chapels occur on Fridays and are divided between lower (Pre-K-4) and upper (5-8) grades. Lower chapel (Pre-K-4) is geared for younger students; Upper chapel is more formal and depthful, typically led by Dr. Paulson or Dr. Brunson. All grade-levels meet for special all-school chapels. Parents, guardians, family members and friends are always welcome!

What are School Spirit days?

We have several Show Your Spirit days throughout the school year. This is when we wear our non-uniform school colors and school branded clothing. You may purchase Spirit Gear in the front office or find free gently used options in our Uniform Closet, located in the Resource Room. 

What is Show Your Style Day?

Show Your Style Day is a fun way we raise money for our school programs, such as our athletic and fine art programs. Each student has the opportunity (not required) to wear their own non-uniform school appropriate clothing to school with a $5 per student (maximum of $15 per family) donation. The donation is collected as they walk into school that morning in our donation bucket. 

What extra curricular activities are available?

The Academy fields various athletics teams, provides music and art opportunities, and for our older students, partners with Lost Creek Ranch for a horsemanship program.

What in-school activities and events should I expect?

Here are several events and service opportunities at WCA:


Grandparents' and Grandfriends' Day (September/October); Thanksgiving Parties; Faculty & Staff Bonus Giving (December); Christmas Concert; Winter Carnival Float (February); Valentine's Classroom Parties; Valentine's Blessing; Annual Auction Dinner (March); Re-Enrollment Planning (March); Community Appreciation Baskets (April); Teacher Appreciation Week (May); Spring concert (May); End of Year Party (June).


More information on those events may be found here.

How does the Academy communicate with parents and families?

Each week you will receive WCA News, delivered via email. That will have the current week's activities, volunteer opportunities, school and community announcements, and other upcoming events.

What is PTF?

The Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) exists to bless the teachers and staff at the Academy. There are wonderful opportunities to serve our school and students while meeting your volunteer requirements. We meet only four times per year and have developed fun events to encourage and accommodate our parent volunteers.

Where is the Parent & Student Handbook?

Please click here to find the Parent and Student Handbook. Please contact our office with any questions and we will be happy to assist you.

When should I expect a report card and what standardized tests are given?

Report cards are handed out within a week of the end of each quarter. You will be notified by your teacher when your report card is coming home with your student. For standardized testing, we use the CTP 5 Standardized Test for grades 1 - 8. This test is typically administered during the month of April. We also use this test for school admissions, if applicable.

What are school pick up and drop off procedures?

Student drop-off at Whitefish Christian Academy is from 7:50-8:00 a.m., and student pick-up is from 3:00-3:15 p.m. When you enter the parking lot, please carefully pull through to the front of the drop-off/pick-up lane to unload or load your child(ren). If you intend to get out of your car for any reason, or if your child is not yet waiting out front, please find a parking spot or circle the parking lot until all children have come outside to be picked up. Older students can also be picked up at the back of the building. Please ensure that you drive slowly down 8th street, which is the one-way alley running East to West along our buildings, and please do not block the road.

Recommended procedures for resolving student/classroom concerns?

Please find our attached Conflict Resolution Policy, and as always, our staff is happy to assist with any questions or concerns.

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